
New New New!

Do YOU have a club? Do you need more members? Or are you full up? How would you guys like to feature your own clubs and groups here?!!? Contact me via email, twitter, or whatever (see contact page if you really don't know). I can make one for you (if you also send the right elements so I can fill everything in) or you can submit your own!
It'll look like this:


For the Type category you could put something like, Contest-Based, News Club (AUTUMN! *wink wink nudge nudge*), etc! Description is obvious and can be whatever you like. You should list the Founder (which is probably yourself if you submit one seeing as you're the leader) and your VIPs, Admins, Vice Presidents, you get the idea! Members are also quite obvious haha. Then, because sometimes groups are just TOO big for you dedicated club owners to run, you can list how many more you're able (or not!) to submit into your group! I'm also totally open to more categories if there's a good one I've missed haha!
With this, I'd like to add that I strongly suggest at least one name for people always always be free of emoji! How're people supposed to become your friend if they can't find you guys?!?! Gahhh anyway I'd also totally approve my example above becoming reality XD Just tell me LOL (That's probably for you Mere since you're my very first fan lol she has dibs, so ask her first!).

1 comment:

  1. Autumn? Hey that's me! XD lol. This sounds cool but I am slightly confused. (I'm an idiot) but um.. So you are going to advertise our stuff on your site? I just have MEGU news at my house (trying to get more people to check out my blog) so maybe you could just advertise that I have the MEGU news? Is tis what you are saying? I'm so lost! Lol. But yeah, or you could have a link to my site (if you want) Vaporeon did that on her site, put a link to a couple others. I am new to blogging so idk how to do that really (herp-dy-derp) You can email me more info about this if you'd like!


Dear Reader and potential Commenter,
I've made it so that anyone can comment. Please respect that! Be appropriate and considerate. We'd all love to hear from you!
When posting, please mention your MEGU username and petname at the very beginning of your post.
I'm very thankful for the support--keep visiting!
Just George