Saturday, June 30, 2012

Personal: MEGU Experience


GAH as you can see in my picture of today's rough draft--you guys didn't know that I make rough drafts of every post?--I had a hard time finding a pen that works! Anyway, I'm here! I know it's been awhile since I've actually posted and there's reasons for that! Well, you don't want to hear my excuses but i'm gonna tell you anyway because I've been feeling so guilty! See, I've been getting lots of good feedback and comments from you MYGUers--but I've also been getting some negative mail. Mostly along the lines of, "the blog is okay, sometimes funny, but it doesn't have very much information!" Last time I checked, there's always been plenty of information and refereces to better sites than my own for MEGU. But I guess that isn't really what you guys want? I'm not sure, but I've been working on my own charts anyway (food charts should be posted in the Trading Arena tomorrow) hopefully to sate your need for info. Back to the point! Between fixing the layout and writing out charts, I've had my work cut out for me. But today I'm writing you a post since the tough, time-consuming stuff is finished! Stupid charts are still in progress..GAH!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Reference: Vocabulary


MEGU Bingo? No, MEGU Lingo!

Opinion: Game Suggestions

A Better MEGU World?

I'm an intelligent, talkative person--which means I have opinions and lots of them! MEGU has always been improving (it's what keeps me playing the game!) and I myself have a few ideas for the game to make it better or at least more effective. Sadly enough, the more I thought about it, the more permission I took XD Don't be offended, this is all just out on a limb here and only my personal opinion!

1A. There are sooooo many MEGU out there now! I feel that trade center isn't just a feature, it is necessary. Feynman co should make it so that trade center is free. Period. It's getting ridiculous to have to negotiate trades a million more times carefully, and even when that's done there's the argument over who is to initiate the trade and pay the 5 elixir!?!

1B. In that case they have my permission to go ahead and keep charging 5 elixirs for Adventure--that's almost-free rares so I feel that it's reasonable. Anyone who tells you otherwise is kinda being a sore loser, these new walks are the perfect solution for no-cost rares, you just have to work for them! Lol

2. Feynman should produce a handier block button when visiting a player (and for that matter an extra pop-up when reporting an owner to leave a comment with it!) I see a handy little block list in the settings screen that's missing two players that should be in it! Not to mention that those players continue to visit and harass my board! Someone should really work on that part.

3. There should also be a feature within the app where you can maybe touch their twitter picture to be able to send a tweet or twitter direct message to that friend! It would make negotiations soooo much easier, and chalkboards wouldn't be half so full up of random chats. It's just so much effort to keep up with a hundred conversations a day! @___@

4. This is minor and rarer silly but I'd LOVE to see a little counter up at the top right while visiting friends, keeping count of how many times I've pet their MEGU! That would be so fantastic!! I had a friend that I would pet once, she would pet twice, I would then pet thrice and so forth! When one of us messed up the other would start over XD It would actually help all those petting contests too!

5. Strays should have a purpose! I beat every one of the strays available to me all the way up to lvl 210 to see if there was a reward or maybe 100 point bonus or something--Nothing! So irritating. I do think the whole idea of them is adorable haha. Often I sumo or race them simply to see all the "gangsta" lines they come up with! (Don't be surprised if I post every one of them--I just find them so adorable!!!)

6. There then should also be points gained from winning sumo or races against other MEGU! But if they did that they would put a cap of maybe 5 of each everyday. Because really some people are just never gonna get the hang of Ball Toss, and when you're up in the top 100--your ball toss score can determine your place on the list for the next 8 hours.

7. I don't always get good ball toss scores, but when I do I get super excited--so why shouldn't we be able to tweet it in app? :P At that rate, there should also be a "snapshot" feature that takes a picture of your MEGU and tweets it directly! (I know you can do it yourself, this would just be cuter ^-^)

8. There should be a feature (like even just a small green or red dot next to a user's name) to show whether someone is online or not! With so many time zones, I think it would be pretty useful to many people.

9. I WANT TO ROTATE ITEMS I PUT IN MY HOUSE! Pretty please Feynman Co. ?!?!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Reference: Helpful Sites

Need More MEGU Information?

Of all the MEGU blogs out there right now, where's the best? I can't tell you that! Heh heh Just teasing! But I can tell you the most complete list is at...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Article: Home Layout Process

Making the Best of MEGU

Let's forget all of the socializing and cutesy-ness for a moment and be serious. Get in the zone. Oooooooooohm Oooooooohm..relax...MEGU is just a game...but you to be the very no one ever catch them is my real test to train my cause....Okay, we there? Are we in the zone? Good. Now, I know I’m not the only frustrated person checking her score constantly. But it’s not just gonna change at the random whims of Feynman Co. YOU have to do the work, BUT I’m gonna help you!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Media: Emoji

Get ready to have your mind blown!

Okay not really... but check this out! I was prowling through the Top 100 again in my quest to learn all of their secrets (that continue to elude me!) when I came across sho and trooper's home...their friend had made a whole bunch of these on the chalkboard! When I try to find them now, though, I can't! But here they are anyway simply for you to "ooh" and "ahh" at!

Media: Storytime

Chapter One: Welcome to Skyrim

"Well well well..." MEGU chuckled to himself. "Looks like I was ratted out."

The cart rumbled unkindly over the rough, mountainous road down toward Helgen as dark, somber clouds take over the sky. MEGU looked around the rickety cart at the two unfortunate fellows with him. One uniform was sobbing silently, looking down at his worn, booted feet. The other, a tough man of proud stature, looked straight ahead, unafraid. He was wearing the same uniform, but with a tattered, thick cape over it. Suddenly he turned his intense gaze upon MEGU.

"What the hell're you lookin at ya freak?" He growled menacingly, "do you know who I am?"

Monday, June 4, 2012

Opinion: Trading Fairness

MEGU Item Appraisal: Do it yourself!

Okay, I have many MEGU friends. Well, for MEGU five is many, right? Anyway, I've had not only friends, but quite a few MEGUers I haven't talked to come to me to ask my opinion on a trade and whether or not it is fair. So the other day, I thought about it some more, and realized that I really do have a sort of system to those thought processes! So no I'm going to attempt to explain them to the common MEGUer! (Not the crazier ones like me!)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Contest: Hunger Games!

To be the best...there ever was...

I had an idea. I want to play a game. Well, I want you all to play some games! I'm having a tournament! Well, two. I just can't get the facts straight today can I? There'll be one for Race and one for Sumo! It'll look like this of course, contact me in anyway to apply! Super easy, super fun-time GO! (Can I compete, too?!?!)