Friday, August 3, 2012

Article: Raising MEGU

An overview for MEGUers, new and old! 

MEGU are another form of animal, and like any other pet animal (or pet brother or sister) they actually need to be cared for.

They need to be fed, pet, groomed, and cleaned, as well as walked and played with every day if possible!

Caring: Feed & Pet

Feeding your MEGU. Hmmm kind of obvious really. It just depends on what your purpose is. Like my MEGU is an EGGO and I could really careless about it's weight because it's already so heavy, and I don't really care to play with other MEGU often enough to care XD but say your MEGU isn't as heavy as mine and you'd like to ensure his best chance of winning SUMO. Easy! Feed your MEGU until it's about 3/5 full (or any other reasonable fraction as long as you can still feed it another food item!) then give him a very hearty food. For example, you've fed it to about 1000/1400 give it a food with 400+ satiety!! The overfilling may help as some believe. I actually use this method when I'm trying to level up as the level cap raises--every point of friendship counts at 200+ levels!

Petting is another important (but not totally essential) part of taking care of  MEGU--although I'm still unsure as to how exactly they contribute to one's points, they seem to! Really there's not much to it. You pet it 8 times before it gets irritated. Maybe do something else like walk it. Then you can pet it once more--you just won't get as much friendship these times and it seems to irritate faster but I should check that out to see XD Another thing, you can't hit friends' MEGUs like some people say! Trust me, Dylan was trying to be funny and was hitting the crap out of my onigiri! But when I checked the diary it just wrote about how Daras and Zeus visited, petting it three times--am I loved? (of course! :P).

Cleaning: Groom & Sweep

I love that cute little broom! GWAH! Okay okay, it's not that exciting really because you can only sweep when there are actual dust bunnies lying about. Keeping a clean home for your MEGU does contribute to your points.

Washing your MEGU is a little more exiting--little bubbles pop up while you scrub!! Aww! This does contribute to points, but you can clean them anytime, not just when they're spawning flies! I usually clean my MEGU again before I check my score (I wish I were in the Top 100! But I traded all my things to SUPERJERK) Oh well, I'll get over it haha. I'm just glad MEGU has evolved into such a wonderful (most of the time) community!

Playing: Ball Toss, Walk, SUMO, & RACE

See this older article!

Leveling Up

Doing all of these things will ultimately level you up, but for all those new MEGUers with high-leveled friends, I'm still here to help you out.

Easiest, simplest and only way to really level up quickly (still very time-consuming though!).

Go to vs. and beat as many MEGU as your attention span can allow (moneymoneymoney!). I usually watch TV or a movie, with the sound effects of MEGU on, not the background music so that whenever I hear the *ding!* of my reward money I look down, assign another match, and then watch TV again XD Anyway, then go to the store and buy as many of the highest level food you can. Proceed to visit everyone you do (and don't!) know, giving a food to each of them. RepeatRepeatRepeat and watch in amazement as your MEGU finally starts leveling up! However, the higher level you are, the more of a grind it is! So be patient lovies ^-^

That's all for now!

This article will be updated again later--just a quick one to help some friends out. Got more information? Message me on twitter or shoot me an email so I can add your advice/ideas/methods and credit you!


  1. Lol! I love the picture!

    1. Thanks Taylor! It just hit me and so I went through with it! I'm glad it wasn't just for my own amusement! XD


Dear Reader and potential Commenter,
I've made it so that anyone can comment. Please respect that! Be appropriate and considerate. We'd all love to hear from you!
When posting, please mention your MEGU username and petname at the very beginning of your post.
I'm very thankful for the support--keep visiting!
Just George