Thursday, August 2, 2012

Article: Going out With MEGU

Ball Toss

"Ball toss is stupid!"
"Ball toss is rigged."
"Ball toss depends on your MEGU simply jacking you over for fun!"

MEGU Ball Toss takes more skill than some people think! It takes a lot of quick thinking and faster thumbs. Here I'll explain how it
works to the extent of my knowledge. This is actually stuff I told Micky and MeguMay when she first started and asked for my advice! (Just much more in depth than I did on her chalkboard! XD)

•It is important--not totally necessary, but I strongly suggest this--that your thumb stay ON your screen! It's so much smoother, easier, and simply more reliable to slide your thumb INTO the ball, exactly where you want to hit it! Rather than hoping you don't hit the ball too soon, you're actually playing ball TOSS instead of ball TAP.
•Where to hit the ball with your thumb via the mini-hand is another story altogether. It gets difficult! You have to imagine that the ball has an invisible line in it. Hellolooooooo!!! It's just like the original pong game!!!! Nah, for MEGU it seems that this line is curved like an upside down "u." However, the middle of the "line" in the ball will rarely actually toss the ball straight--that's why the game is so hard! You need to slide your thumb/mini-hand into the side opposite you want it to go!
•Where the ball goes is another story altogether, MEGU will always catch it if in reasonable reach, but often enjoys tossing it back to you at extreme angles. Don't let these catch you off guard! Expect it! That's about all the help I can give ya!


Tap Adventure. Pay 5. Go on an epic walk. You get a Rare. Now THAT's no skill involved! BUT, if you do get the whole collection through Adventure yourself, you get the extra item at the end that not everyone gets!
UPDATE: Whoah! They actually changed it up! There is now no specific order or guarantee that you won't get an item you've already found! Pretty neat! Except that the first time this happened I found THREE stupid Arabesque mirrors lolz. Everyone ready for the awesome anniversary coming up?

Race & Sumo

Sooo I'm wondering who started the level rumor...I'm 90% positive both games have solely to do with the type of MEGU--it's weight--and how full it is at the time! I'll be conducting an official experiment over the next couple of days to prove whether this is true or not--even though I've been doing this FOREVER--be sure to check-in again! For the sensible out there, it's very simple. Each MEGU has its own weight range that varies with how full up it is. Depending on those factors, your MEGU will win! Your MEGU won't always win against the same kind of MEGU because of variation, last time it's been fed, etc.--but what's so bad about losing every now and then?! Jeez...ANYWAY the point of this is to say that there's nothing to Race & Sumo except maybe having various MEGU's weights memorized (like I do XD) so that you can seek out certain MEGU that you know are all lighter or heavier than your own!

Good Luck! And may the Force be with you!

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Just George