Saturday, June 30, 2012

Personal: MEGU Experience


GAH as you can see in my picture of today's rough draft--you guys didn't know that I make rough drafts of every post?--I had a hard time finding a pen that works! Anyway, I'm here! I know it's been awhile since I've actually posted and there's reasons for that! Well, you don't want to hear my excuses but i'm gonna tell you anyway because I've been feeling so guilty! See, I've been getting lots of good feedback and comments from you MYGUers--but I've also been getting some negative mail. Mostly along the lines of, "the blog is okay, sometimes funny, but it doesn't have very much information!" Last time I checked, there's always been plenty of information and refereces to better sites than my own for MEGU. But I guess that isn't really what you guys want? I'm not sure, but I've been working on my own charts anyway (food charts should be posted in the Trading Arena tomorrow) hopefully to sate your need for info. Back to the point! Between fixing the layout and writing out charts, I've had my work cut out for me. But today I'm writing you a post since the tough, time-consuming stuff is finished! Stupid charts are still in progress..GAH!

How about we do a history lesson today?

My MEGU was captured, born, whatever you'd like to say (see onigiri's story here!) the end of December 2010. BUT, to better understand what MEGU was back then, imagine another MEGU world where chalkboards are the hottest, newest thing no one can afford. Where MEGUers hide from their neighbors, only occaionally recieving random gifts and messages solely made of kanji and emoticons to remind you that there really is a world outside of your home. Where your MEGU always hates you, and wishes that you'd be mugged in an alley by a stray MEGU. Where all you could do is pet, feed, and walk your MEGU! This world you're imagining is the early English-speaking MEGU world! A couple diligent months of that and we move forward to a time when I finally put my board back up (I took it down--too annoyed at lack of friends XD) and actually recieved messages from sackfoxx and KingDrew! Those were the good old days haha It was weird though, like 5 months ago suddenly there were a whole BUNCH of English-speaking MEGUers popping up and that's when MEGU started getting as crowded as it is nowadays! All these wonderfully sweet people make up for the crappy ones, though! Hmm I've forgotten where I was going with this post...I'll just say that I love the MEGU game and how much it has evolved in my year and a half with it. Thank you friends and readers, for joining me in Kawaii Pet MEGU!

More posts are on their way!

(As well as those freaking CHARTS!)

The Point? You mean you missed it? I'm thanking you for playing! Nah haha that and I want to hear your experience in MEGU. How you found it, what was your initial reactions, what you like about it now etc. Also, let's keep this up, guys! Let's get more players!!!


  1. Lol what? "Not enough information"?? Lolol ppl gonna hate my blog a lot then! I love how your blog is not that info-ish, even tho all the info you have given is great. So imo no need for changes to an info-ish-approach :)

    I found megu like 1,5 years ago. It was even more simple back then than wat you explained. At first there was no chalks, then when they came they cost a lot (but many people would randomly gift elixirs so buying one was easier back then), also you couldn't recieve messages - only write. Also one could only write like half of the amount what is possible now. The english-speaking community started building up slowly, it was quite hard to find English-speakers in the beginning since there was no search.

    (okay this is enough for noww, may continue later xD)

  2. Hello! :D
    This comment's going to be suuuuper long so I decided to split it in different parts xP

    First of all I wanted to tell you that I just LOVE the way you organized your Trading Arena!, the way you put rares in that section really was clever.
    Actually, I think most of the things you post here (if not every single one of them lol) are clever. This site looks like some fun blog just effortlessly gossiping about MEGU at first, but soon you realize it's honestly SO much more than that - there's a lot of work put into it, lots of ideas and innovation.^^ You know I'm a big fan of this place and I'm supporting it since the very first day!

    I just wish everyone would see what I see >.<
    To my eyes, your blog *is* informative, and it provides the best kind of information: the kind not everyone is capable of coming up with!
    What I want to say is... almost anyone that is not new to MEGU, with a few time on their hands and the will to help others, could create an informative blog about the game. That doesn't make them the "Gods of MEGU" neither they're omniscent geniouses, they're just some generous people - sharing what other players didn't have the interest to share before they arrived.
    Of course I'm not discrediting such behaviour at all, 'cause being generous is still all kinds of good xD but I'm pointing out the reasons why I wouldn't change your ~blogging skills for anything in the world.

    Also, I would like to add a little bit from my personal MEGU-blogging experience!
    This is something I've never really explained before so yea xD consider it some sort of advice on “why you shouldn't turn this place into a more info-ish one” but it's just my opinion so you can easily ignore it anyway :p (cont.)

  3. (cont.) Well... when I first started my blog 'Liquid Sugar' there was already that fuckyeahkawaiipetmegu tumblr talking about the game. However, it was a Q&A site, meaning that for helpful infos to come out it was necessary for people to ask helpful questions first – and it's common that sometimes people can't feel confident enough to ask strangers for something, so that they just stay silent and their doubts remain unanswered. That's why I created my own blog, where I would just shove infos to my readers' faces so they didn't have to ask to receive xD

    But okay, okay, I'm getting to the main point!

    The thing is I can say my blog is (well, was) fairly complete, featuring anything from hints to charts to updates etc... but if you pay a little attention... you can see it kinda lacks infos on special evolutions, I mean, it features very few of them. The reasons to this are two:

    1) When I first launched Liquid Sugar the “MEGU Official Guide” was available in the app store and I actually purchased it (only after a while tho, it used to cost 7 euros but then one day they made some 2 euros promotion and that's when I finally purchased it lol). It explained how to get every single evolution (it also had an evo chart but it sucked lmao so I didn't really mind it, mine was way more handy tbh!) and was really useful on that part, well spent money basically. So I'd just feel guilty copying and pasting its content for the world to see and decided that, regarding special evos, I would simply share what people demanded the most without spoiling everything. Anyway nowadays it's been MONTHS since Feynman last updated the app so it's really outdated and I wouldn't recommend purchasing it anymore...

    2) Some special evolutions were already revealed on fuckyeahkawaiipetmegu xD and I was like “if YOU've been able to answer this question before I was, then I don't see why people should relate on MY blog for it” so -whenever it was possible- I always tried my best to update Liquid Sugar with completely uknown, unique, or very new stuff so that the blog would actually have a good reason to exist.

    And here we are, point number 2 is where I want you to focus your attention.
    I mean what's the utility of writing the same stuff on 1,2,3 different sites? So that you'll be considered the ~*~best blog ever~*~? So that people wont have to type several URLs in order to find everything that they need? OH WOAH, SUCH BIG STRAIN, please hold me while I apply my oxygen mask! :0

    Honestly, I can say yours and Usagi's sites are the best MEGU-sites out there atm. You have what she lacks and SHE has what you lack, and that's fine. No need for you to get crazy behind wether your blog's info-ish enough or whatever... if people really can't type two different URLs that's their problem rofl (cont.)

  4. (cont.) Okay that's about it xD omfg I'm annoying ahahah me and my wordy comments D:
    And what's better is that I'm also planning on sharing my story on MEGU as requested at the end of this post!!! :D:D:D eheheheh ( ← people's reaction)
    But I won't do that right now! Laterrr~

  5. Waa haven't seen you around at all but I'll still be reciting my promised monologue here e_e Soooo...

    I discovered MEGU by simply searching "kawaii" on the app store (LOL lame), I didn't like it that much at the beginning because my pet seemed to hate me no matter what, then I found out that was just because I was petting it too much so I fixed that and that's when we started loving each other!
    So I played with it alot but I didn't pay attention to achievements, evolutions and such until I reached both max level and the end of the evolution path (it was SATURNA at that time)
    I was really mad because -to me at least- SATURNA was ugly as sin and I didn't want to keep it that long, so I tried googling Kawaii Pet MEGU hints for the very first and actually ended up discovering some useful site that I can't remember right now tho :l (some wordpress blog maybe?!) anyway that was the place where I first read about spceial evolutions and stuff like that, and that made the game much more fun to me (aswell as purchasing a chalkboard later on), it totally changed my way of being on MEGU.
    So after that I became a little obsessed, to the point that I actually felt like I surprisingly knew more infos than the internet and that's when I opened my blog. Again, the blog changed my way of being on MEGU alot, I met lots of people and enjoyed a certain popularity too xD and after that I don't think I need to add much!
    Had fun, been banned, had fun again... blah blah blah. You know my story :p

  6. Hey Emi!
    I think your blog has tons of information that no one can find anywhere else! People can find more basic info on megu all over the place! That's why your blog is unique. You post stuff like "relationships" and "megu etiquette", which is more on the social side of megu. In my opinion, it's just fine that this blog doesn't have the things some people expect, like "houses" or "furniture", because that's something that can be found anywhere. Plus, a lot of your posts have this silly and casual feeling, which makes them fun to read. I think you have a great blog, and I know you put so much effort into it!

  7. This site has PLENTY of info, don't you worry what others say. If I can figure out how I *might* make a blog as well and I know it wouldn't amount to this. If you don't mind I might. I don't want you to think I'm copying you. Anywho, Your nblog provides plenty of info. 


Dear Reader and potential Commenter,
I've made it so that anyone can comment. Please respect that! Be appropriate and considerate. We'd all love to hear from you!
When posting, please mention your MEGU username and petname at the very beginning of your post.
I'm very thankful for the support--keep visiting!
Just George